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tirsdag den 30. oktober 2012

Jamie og Kevin går meget ind i deres karakterer som Jace og Alec

Kort forklaring: Jamie Campbell Bower og Kevin Zegers er blevet castet til filmatiseringen af "City of Bones", Jamie spiller Jace og Kevin Alec. De to er parabatai (Et broderligt bånd, hvor man kæmper sammen og er tættere end søskende), og ... ja, jeg vil ikke afsløre noget vigtigt, men de har ihvertfald noget af et forhold, meget meget tætte. 
SÅ, vildt nok, har Jamie og Kevin nu også fået sig noget af et bånd: 

 Cassie Clare tweets: 
Someone says to Cassie:"and tell Jamie that I love him" 
Cassie answers: He says "Is that Kevin? I know that's Kevin." 

"And Kevin? We are all discussing his hair. Jamie believes he has great hair. Everyone agrees. Good thing he isn't here." 

"Yeah, no, it’s cute, they seem to be good friends. They jump up and hit things together. I don’t know, I guess it’s a dude thing" 

 Aw Kevin and Jamie so cute shooting together

Kevin tweets:
Question: "The only thing you take with you if you get lost on a desert island?”
Kevin: "walter, nugget, jaime"

Question: Best friend?
Kevin: jaime

Question: Favourite present you've given?
Kevin: Anything to Jaime.

Question: Who is your favourite character (besides Alec!) in TMI books?
Kevin: Jace

Question: Are you enjoying working with Jamie Campbell Bower?
Kevin: Very much. We laugh a lot. My face hurts

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