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tirsdag den 12. juli 2011

"Dear Potter Fandom . . . Love the Sherlockians"

Det her, er bare, simpelthen, genialhed!

"Dear Potter Fandom . . . Love the Sherlockians

Dear Potter Fandom,

First, we want to tell you that we understand. We lost our hero to a swiss waterfall and mathematician in 1893. Then lost him again when he retired to keep bees and our author passed away in 1930. We know how hard it is to lose a long loved hero or universe.

But we also wanted to offer you hope. Our Sherlock has lived for over a hundred years and has been played by many very gifted actors who each brought something to the role. We have no doubt that Harry Potter will be awarded the same cultural significance.

So we mourn the ending of this Harry Potter with you in solidarity. But we know that Hogwarts and the rest will be brought to life again and again. You always have something to look forward to, some new aspect of the books that you love brought out by a new actor. You will have new stories and parodies. And most of all you will have a fandom, that we hope will someday be as old as ours.


the Sherlockians

(especially the Academic Irregulars)"

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